Monday, September 2, 2013

Checking things off the list!

Tom was on vacation for the last two weeks and feels like we got a lot accomplished:

* Front of building painted
* Landscaping and painting done on side of building
* Other half of floor prepped for sanding, and some edging done
* Priming of ceiling and walls begun


* Slab roller for the pottery studio purchased

* Outside of ductwork being cleaned
30 or 40 years of dirt and nicotine stains coming of with Windex, Magic
Erasers and LOTS of elbow grease

* Support beams in basement are prepped to be repaired/replaced

Our contractor cut around the beam and is going to lift
the concrete out and check what's under the slab.  He
has a feeling it's water.  Bottom of water-damaged beam will
be cut and replaced with a concrete mold.

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